  • Appointment

Litigation Services፡ a. Civil Matters, b. Tort/Extracontractual, c. Commercial Law, Banking & Insurance, Alternative Dispute Resolutions /ADR, Criminal Defense

In this category of our services and practice, 

We aspire to represent our client in their dealings, 
The area has the aspect of representing the client on contentious matters. 

We provide Legal Research, Legal Drafting and Policy Formulation on strategic matters of having broader impact, and undertake Strategic litigation, the service involves selecting and bringing a case to the courtroom having jurisdiction with the goal of creating broader changes.

1. Litigation፡ 
  • Civil Matters
  • Tort/Extracontractual 
  • Commercial Law, 
  • Banking & Insurance 
2. ADR: 
  • Arbitration, 
  • Negotiations, 
  • Adjudications, 
  • Fact Finding, …
3. Strategic Litigations:
We provide Legal Research, Legal Drafting and Policy Formulation on strategic matters of having broader impact, and undertake Strategic litigation, the service involves selecting and bringing a case to the courtroom having jurisdiction with the goal of creating broader changes.
      • Health Care & Nutrition Rights and Polices
      • Civil & Political Rights
      • Social, Economic, and Cultural Rights