  • Appointment

Entity Client Intake Form

The purpose of an initial consultation is for HLA to advise you, the prospective client, what, if anything, may be done for you, and what the minimum fee therefore will be. The purpose is not to render a definitive legal opinion as it may be impossible to fully assess a matter within the time frame allotted for a consultation or with the (information or documents) that you may be able to provide at the initial consultation.

One of three outcomes is possible following your consultation.

(A) You and HLA mutually agree to the terms of representation, or (After a separate document called an Agreement for Representation is signed a copy will be provided to you.)

(B) HLA declines representation, or

(C) You decide not to use the services of HLA.

Note The following questions will help us to understand how we can help you. Your responses are protected by attorney/client privilege and will be held in strict confidence.

Company Name
Business Type
Legal Entity Type
Corp - for profit
Corp - not for profit
Contact Name
Billing Contact (If Diffrent)
Preferred method of communication
Affiliated Entity Names (please list or attach a list)
Company Prior Names (within the past 5 years)
Briefly explain what you may need advice about or assistance with today
Are there any parties involved?)
Are there any documents (papers) that have previously been exchanged between you and the other party, or that you think may help us to understand the issues?

Note: Any documents you supply that are important to your matter will be photocopied, with your permission, and your originals returned to you at the conclusion of the initial interview.

What are your goals for the representation? Please list any concerns or issues of which you are aware.
Are there any outcomes to this situation that would be unacceptable to you?
Are we the first attorneys you have consulted regarding this matter?
✓ Your Submition to this form acknowledges only that you received a copy of this completed information sheet and does not mean you have hired the Attorney.
I acknowledge that completion of this form does not mean that I have hired this firm or any attorney working for this firm. I understand that unless and until both myself and the Attorney have executed a written Agreement for Representation, neither firm nor any attorney working for this firm represents me in this matter